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Best YouTube Travel Videos

Best YouTube Travel Videos

Since we can't get out and travel, one solution to ease your craving for travel is to login to YouTube and watch some enjoyable videos at home.  Here are some picks from The Traveling Professor's playlist of travel videos on YouTube. 

Paul Murton loves Scotland and his travelogues are professionally produced.  They are well-narrated and entertaining.  He goes off the beaten path and shows a Scotland that we would all like to see.  He does a series caled BBC Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands in which episodes can be found on YouTube.  He also does a series called Grand Tours of Scotland's Lochs which is even better.  Complete series can also be found on Amazon Prime.

Dennis Callan and The Traveling Professor share a love for traveling with small groups around the globe.  Dennis has prolifically produced over 1,300 travel videos on his YouTube Channel.   These videos are particularly well-narrated and informative.  In particular, I enjoy the videos on Monaco and Switzerland.  But you will undoubtedly find scores of movies to enjoy on his travels all over the world including South America, Asia, Hawaii, and major US cities.

The Tim Traveller produces engrossing and quirky videos.  The Professor spent an entire rainy Saturday before getting his first COVID shot watching short but entertaining videos like "The Least Used Station in France", "The Hotel in Two Countries", and The Professor's favorite, "Paris Lamp Post Boats".  The Tim Traveller's videos are just like the old potato chip commercial, "you can't watch just one". 

Mark Felice is the Euro Trotter.  To be honest, it took me a few episodes to get used to Mark Felice and his videos, mostly about living the good life in Italy, Germany, Hawaii, and Mexico.  At first, I thought the videos were all about Mark Felice.  But he does a great job in presenting great places to eat and fun things to do.  He will go to any lengths, even breaking a finger, to show you a good time.  And a good time you will have, in watching Euro Trotter.  The Professor recommends Mark's videos.

Simply Railway.  The Professor loves traveling by rail and these series of videos will show the traveler nearly all possible types of train rides from all over the world.  The Simply Railway vides or not particularly chatty, but there are a wide range of practical and enjoyable train rides presented here.  There are train rides in Italy, train rides on Long Island, train rides in California, train rides in Finland, train rides in France.  

The Man in Seat 61.   Well-known for his informative website, The Man in Seat 61 will take you on the Orient Express, show you every sleeper train imaginable, take you on old and new trains.  Go to "The Man" for the best trips on how to ride the rails. 



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